Wlhat variables would
you typically use when making use of
the user exit
RSR00001 in BEx reporting?
I - STEP is used in ABAP code as a
The following values are
1.)I_STEP1 Before processing of the variable
pop-ups and
gets called for every customer
2.)I_STEP2 Is called after variable popup for
variables not
marked as "Ready for input"
and are set to
required entry.
3.)I_STEP3 Is called after all variables are
processed (only
once and not for each variable).
I - VNAM: It is the variable containing the
name within ABAP Typically you lvould
do aCASE statement on this variable to get the
variable working.
E - T - RANGE: This is the internal
table populated
with variable values in a customer
L S RANGE: This is the structure to populate
LOW low end value
HIGH high end value
SIGN 'I' to include, etc.
OPT gives the options like 'BT' for
'EQ' for equal, ecc.
I - VARTYP- variable type
1 Characteristic
2 Hierarchy node
3 Text
4 Formula
5 Hierarchy
I - IOBJNM: name of the Infoobject.
I -P ERIV: fiscal year variant.
I - T - VAR - RANGE: table with all variables
their values.